Modern-day Pirates

Ruthless pirates were known to target shipping vessels and trading posts along the New England coast centuries ago, using terror to acquire easy gains. Rumors of hidden chests of gold and jewels have prompted numerous explorations in the area since then, but little historical evidence of buried treasure has ever surfaced.

Modern-day pirates of a different kind inhabit my mystery novel, Fatal Whispers. Set in Portland, Maine, my story plotline runs amok with thieves, blackmailers, and murderers. It should come as no surprise that whenever big money plays a central role, greed, jealousy, and revenge often act as catalysts for major crime.

Here's an excerpt from my mystery novel, Fatal Whispers,that describes one such character:

"He was tall and lean, though strong biceps protruded from his T-shirt. He had narrow eyes and thin lips, and a musty door emanated from him. He wore black thick-soled boots, the sort you'd expect to find on the feet of a tactical squad. I placed him in his mid-forties.

You can find out more about this character and others in Fatal Whispers. Click here for the link to online retailers.